Family Engagement

Greetings Parents and Families,

My name is Nikki Jenkins and I am honored to be the Family & Community Engagement Coordinator (F.A.C.E) for the district. It is my role to encourage and support families and the community to partner with Sumter County schools and help us shape and mold our students into productive and successful adults. 

Our mission here at the district is to "Graduate ALL Students". The district's vision supports the mission as we strive to" ensure that all students receive an equitable education and graduate college and career ready".  

We truly believe that we can meet the needs of all our students; but it will take everyone in Americus to make it happen. When an entire community of different people interact or invest in children, by focusing on the importance of education, the whole community succeeds. 

 Parents, we need you now more than ever. We know you want what's best for your child(ren) and our desire is to partner with you to ensure that your child has a blanket of support that will cover him/her with the knowledge and experience needed to be self-sufficient adults. Our doors and arms are open. Please accept our invitation. Your child's future depends on it. 

For questions regarding Title I Family Engagement or how you can be more involved in Sumter Schools my contact is listed below.

District Family & Community Engagement Coordinator (F.A.C.E.)

(229) 931-8516


What is Title I?

Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools. It serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the number of low-income families in each district. Each district uses its Title I money for extra educational services to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards so that they may be successful in the regular classroom. The Sumter County School District receives Title I funds.

Sumter County Schools Parent Resource Center Hours

Georgia State Testing Information and Resource Links for Parents

Información sobre pruebas del estado de Georgia y enlaces de recursos para padres

Georgia State Testing Information and Resource Links for Parents
State Assessments Resource
State Assessments Resource (span)
State Assessments Resource