Distribution of Printed Fliers
- Requests for distribution must include a requested distribution date and identification of which buildings distribution is to occur.
- All fliers approved for distribution must include the following disclaimer:
The opinions expressed here are those of [INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR
ORGANIZATION/BUSINESS HERE] and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Sumter County School District. Distribution of information and/or display of material does not constitute endorsement of any product, service, organization, company, information provider, or content by the District. - Fliers approved for distribution will be returned to your organization for copying along with appropriate student counts.
- Your organization is responsible for copying the approved flier and delivering the appropriate quantities directly to the office of each school(s) for which distribution has been approved.
- Following approval, primary/elementary (k-3) distributions must be counted and packaged (with rubber bands or string) by the requesting community organization/group, marking school and teacher/section on each package. (Distribution numbers will be provided.) Further, distributions of more than one page, etc. must be collated and stapled prior to packaging. The packets must be taken directly to the primary/elementary schools. It is recommended that the organizations include several extra fliers in each package as enrollments fluctuate constantly throughout the school year.
- Individual distributions are not made at the intermediate school, middle school and high school levels. Please prepare a 2-3 sentence announcement, to be read over the public address system, stating the information and flyers will be available in the school office. This packet must be taken directly to the school office.
- Individual distribution of fliers will not occur during the first two and final two weeks of the school year.
The Sumter County School District will not distribute materials of community
organizations/groups unless they meet the above conditions prior to posting
and/or delivery to the individual school(s).
The Sumter County School District will not distribute materials which:
• Are libelous, defamatory, obscene, lewd, vulgar, or profane;
• Are political in nature;
• Violate federal, state, or local laws;
• Are derogatory toward any ethic, religious, or racial group;
• Violate Board policy or District administrative regulations;
• Advocate the use or advertise the availability of any substance or material that may
reasonably be believed to constitute a direct and substantial danger to the health or
welfare of students, such as tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs;
• Incite violence;
• Use logos identified with the District or individual school(s);
• Cause substantial disruption to the school environment;
• Advocate use of force or urge violation of federal, state, or municipal law, Board policy, or administrative regulations; or
• Interfere with or advocate interference with the rights of any individual or the orderly
operation of the schools and their programs.
You may submit your flyer distribution request online or download a printable copy to submit via email to aingram@sumterschoools.org or in person at Sumter County Board of Education, 100 Learning Lane.